By: MakeOver Wardrobe
7:14:00 pm
Wedding Dress that is made from condoms. After all, safety is important in this case also.
Balloon Wedding Dress - Stay safe from Naughty Body
Camouflage Wedding Dress - After wedding, this bride will go on a war
Chocolate Wedding Dress - Don't wish to eat that chocolate naughty guys
Crocheted Wedding Dress - it's really a bizarre wedding dress. Who wants to wear it
Hello Kitty Wedding Dress - wake-up girls, you're not a teenager anymore
Lights in Wedding Dress - ahhh! now this is really useful in case of power failure
Modesty - is it?
Paper Frock Wedding Dress - don't try to wear this on a rainy day.
Why they are wearing this dress too?
Toilet Paper Wedding Dress for a real brial.. that's the fucking idiotic theme
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